Hopefully, by now most people realize that stretching forms an essential part of any fitness program. But what is less clear is whether people know why stretching is important, how to do it safely and effectively, and the difference between mobility and flexibility. Too often you will see people doing static stretches at the start

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Metabolic confusion is the cornerstone of some of the most popular diets taking the internet by storm. This includes VShred, Noom, and, of course, the Metabolic Confusion Diet. But unlike a lot of other fad diets, there seems to be good reason for believing that the principles of the metabolic confusion diet could be applied

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You will often see advice for people who find it hard to muster up the motivation to get up and work out. But some people have the opposite problem, they are so keen to work out that they don’t give their body enough time to rest. This actually slows down their gains and can make

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Who doesn’t want a toned midsection with the defined abdominal muscles that tend to be a symbol of extreme health and fitness? The six-pack. But having a defined six-pack that is visible all the time is no easy feat! This is not even something that you will see all professional athletes with. You may even

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Face yoga seems to be the next big fitness craze taking the market by storm. You have probably seen marketing for at least one face yoga program while browsing the internet in recent months. But what exactly is face yoga, what benefits does it provide, does it really work, and which of the many programs

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Most people are now aware of just how important a healthy gut – by which we mean digestive system – is to your overall wellbeing. A healthy gut microbiome influences our brain health, our weight and blood sugar levels, and our heart health. And the key to a healthy gut microbiome? A diverse range of

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If you are looking to transform your body, build your strength and define your muscles, then you are probably researching supplements. One of the things that you have probably learned is that there are scores of different supplements on the market, and different people are recommending them for different things. You could spend a small

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There is no denying that bridge is an impressive pose. But more than making for an awesome selfie, it is an important position to master in Yoga, Calisthenics, and a variety of other mobility styles. But many people, especially people with back problems, shy away from working on Bridge, also called Chakrasana or Full Wheel

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Whether you are trying to build muscle, lose weight, or boost athletic performance, BCAA supplements can make a big difference to your results. If you are serious about getting in shape and boosting your performance at the gym, you have probably already upped your protein intake. Protein is the key, right? Yes, getting enough protein

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Anyone who is serious about building muscle or making explosive gains in their sports performance has probably heard of creatine. It is one of the most important supplements that you can take for both bulk and strength gains. Creatine used to have a worrying reputation a few years back, which has been difficult to shake

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